
Accounts &
Administration Services

Outsourced business solutions

Oi! You’ve got better
things to do!

As a kiwi, you probably love a good DIY job. Build a deck, tile a bathroom, trim the dog. The bragging rights alone are priceless!

This approach to bookkeeping and administration doesn’t end well. These are time-hungry tasks that come with high opportunity costs for your business, and in the long term, it will cost you far more than you’ve saved.

With Diverse Solutions in your corner, you will be free to focus on making some serious money, and you’ll make your accountant seriously happy.

Our Support Menu

Accounts payable & receivable
Credit control
Bank & credit card reconciliations
Payroll & payday filing
GST Returns
Cashflow management & forecasting
Financial analysis
New business setups
Systems set up
Creation of operational resources
ISO 17020, ISO 9001,BCA Regulations
Accounting, Bookkeeping

Ready to relieve yourself of these tasks?

Yes! DIY is seriously overrated.HR Support

There isn’t an accounts or operating system we haven’t used, and we are partners with Xero, MYOB & PayHero, offering discounted subscriptions on these products for our valued customers.

"Janina’s team save me time and solve problems I don’t even become aware of…"

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